Mindfulness in the Wenatchee Valley

Connect to your inner landscape, learn to meet your needs and challenges skillfully, and grow!

Based in North Central Washington, Meditate Wenatchee is designed to help individuals, groups, businesses and communities find a greater sense of health and well-being. This is achieved via Mindfulness-Based education, experiential practices, and coaching.

Meditate Wenatchee is fueled by the passion of what it means for our lives when we work with the mind. Knowing and trusting our innate wholeness can be achieved by mindfulness practices that connect our body to the mind and our mind to heart & soul.  

When we are connected in wholeness we are in balance.  When we are in balance our life is experienced with greater ease, connection, joy and grace.

Our Offerings

  • Mindfulness For Daily Living

    A weekly Mindfulness drop-in session to support beginners & those with experience. A great way to add diversity to your at home Mindfulness practices to sitting in a group. This offering focuses on practical tools for Mindful Living and includes a brief check-in, and a seated or moving Mindfulness practice.

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course

    Register Today- Next Course Begins Oct 15!

    MBSR is an eight-week educational course designed to empower participants to take an active role in the management of their health and wellness. The curriculum teaches body- mind awareness practices to assist people living with daily stress and those with physical or psychological related pain and illness.

  • Coaching

    This is a life coaching model embedded into a foundation of Mindfulness. We work in 1:1 sessions, walking through the challenges you are facing, as you build the muscles of self-awareness. The goal is to see more clearly and to edit the stories that block your healing path. Together we cultivate connection to your body, mind and heart–for a more resilient, skillful, and courageous YOU!

  • Workplace Wellness

    Meditate Wenatchee offers regional businesses custom Mindfulness workshops, retreat offerings and educational presentations. Companies often lose their most talented employees to burnout and Mindfulness can help. Stress reduction techniques like Mindfulness, are dramatic tools that impact health, productivity, creativity, energy and performance.

Recent Posts

Kari makes it all manageable to hone and tone many ways to meditate and even many ways at how to look at a practice.... She gives you permission to start where you are, makes a comfortable and welcoming container to share experiences plus offers her keen reflection with a caring and open-hearted nature.
— DC, MBSR Student