Mindful Summer Moments & Soulful Podcast Conversations

Well Happy Summer fine humans, I hope you are taking in fresh air and planting yourselves in your gardens and the cool waters around us! Today is the day life is happening, actually scratch that, this moment is the only moment Life is happening.  Do something today that your Being longs for.

And be present for it, you know the drill, take a mindful moment to drink in this experience!

Here’s a few of my favorite Summer doings that satiate my Whole Being:

  • Jumping straight into the cold water—anywhere I can find it—and letting myself linger on the way back up.

  • Eating ice cream on sticks, depending on where you are and what the air temp is you may not be able to linger here!

  • Picking raspberries after the sun goes down (hoping the wrestling in the bushes is my cat and not another rattlesnake.)

  • Reading in my zero gravity chair, in the grass at dusk.

  • Listening to the sounds of cherry harvest all around me (ladders clanging, 4-wheelers buzzing, workers singing, food truck horns blasting)

  • Sitting with friends in the dark of night watching the stars pop.

Aside from the jumping, eating, picking and listening activities of summer listed above, my news is that Dorrinda and I have been hard at work (it’s a stretch to call it work honestly because it’s so soul-fulfilling!) interviewing incredible humans for our “Live Well- Be Wise” podcast. No it’s not Live yet, but coming to you soon. Hip-Hip Hooray!

We’ve spoken to a woman who tells us about how a near death experience woke her up from self-numbing habits and traumatic grief, guiding her to medical school and a whole new life based on feeling well and living well.  And along the way how she finds her personal power. Many of you know this local health educator and leader, and we are so excited to share her story with you all! 

We have also interviewed a man who jokingly introduces himself as “the Man Who Killed His Mother!” In truth, you will be blown away by the rawness and courage of this story about what it means to help your parent die with dignity.  (And NO he didn’t kill anyone!) He was in pursuit of helping his mom end her life as she wished and well let’s just say, nothing ever goes quite as planned.  Learn about the roadblocks and moving goalposts of helping a parent with terminal illness access Washington State’s “Death With Dignity Act.” Spoiler alert: there’s also some cussing, Willie Nelson and day-drinking in this one!

We can’t give away all of our juicy content, but just know that we all have these stories! You have these stories! 

We aren’t focused on who’s got the juiciest drama or trauma, and capitalizing on that (even though we’re used to that in our culture), instead what we want to highlight is the fact that in our everyday lives we live through and do hard things.  And when those hard things get worked, turned, dived into, made peace with, or transformed, they turn into a seed of knowing & truth.  When that seed roots deep within us—this is called wisdom.  

It is this shared human story of coming through hardship and finding your path to wellness through wisdom that we seek to highlight and celebrate on our podcast.

If you have a story to tell from your own life experience please reach out, and share this out to any and all in the community with whom you know have rich stories to tell.  We want to have a deeply diverse and inclusive range of stories shared, so that everyone can find themselves represented on our podcast.  After all, this is how reconnection works.  One human to another.  One story at a time.

Call or Text: 509.393.0585  Email: kari@meditatewenatchee.com


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